Monday, December 1, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Last week, I took Jacob to reading time at the local library for kids and he LOVED it! I have said how much he is into reading, so he loved all the books and songs and all the interaction our playgroup had. Here is a picture of Jacob with the lady who taught the class, he really liked her, plus during the last 15 minutes, she gets out toys and bubbles for everyone to play with! Needless to say, I think we will be going back!
We went to Aunt Maggie and Uncle Jerrod's for Thanksgiving this year and it was wonderful! We had a great time, Jacob had fun playing with his cousins and all the kids that were there. We are so thankful for such wonderful family and friends.

We visited Big Joel and Dawn's house where Jacob could play with Taylor and Trista and he had such a great time with all their awesome toys!!!

He loved playing with this broom... guess I better start putting him to work around the house soon!

Trista was a very good teacher, she was showing Jacob how to spin on this toy.

Jacob, Whitney, and Kennedy


Nate's best friend from high school was visiting, so we got to spend some time with Dave, his wife Suzanne and their family. Jacob had a great time at their house, lots of fun things to do and see! It was great seeing you guys, wish it was more often!

How can Jacob ever deny the Connaway gene?!?!
They look so much alike!
And HAPPY 28th BIRTHDAY Nathan!
We Love You!