After the final game of the World Series (yeah Phillies), Jacob was celebrating from all the excitement on the television. He was clapping, laughing and jumping around - it was so cute!
Jacob has been into dancing for the last 3 months or so. Seriously, everytime any beat comes on from anywhere, he breaks out dancing. It can be music from TV (even if it's a 2 second music clip), the computer, rhythm of the dryer, of the dishwasher, of Nate coming up the stairs, really anything. I'm not joking. He loves to dance, and the kid has rhythm (don't ask me where he gets it from). He has a karaoke machine (seen above in the picture) he hits the orange button all day and dances all day to it. He will even dance to my humming... anyway, you get my point. It's cute to watch and he always has a smile on his face!
Practicing "Trick or Treat"
Showing Jacob his pumpkin that his daddy carved for him!
Jacob not liking being in his costume (even though Pooh is his favorite)
Okay, so being Winnie The Pooh isn't so bad...
Pooh is awesome!
Mommy and Pooh
Nate and Jacob going Trick or Treating at some local businesses
Going to grandma's house (visiting with Nan)
Nate's handy work!
Jacob getting a belly full of honey before doing some more Trick or Treating.
As I have mentioned several times, Jacob is very independent! He does not like to be carried, and rarely lets you hold his hand and he does not walk any longer, he runs! You have to guide him by moving the top of his head to the direction desired, and this works half of the time. So this is him, in his usual fashion, going in the opposite direction you would like him to go.
Jacob at 1 1/2 months. I know, this picture isn't great, but it always cracks me up everytime I see it. We took about 10 of him next to the pumpkin and this was the last one, it's as if he was telling us, enough already, I'm tired!!!
Hope everyone had a great Halloween!
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